Saturday, August 11, 2007

Heart Disease In Women Is A Leading Cause For Most Fatalities In Women

The facts relating to heart disease in women are quite alarming. Today heart disease in women is the leading cause for their deaths, which leads to the conclusion that for women to live longer, they need to prevent the onset and development of heart diseases by using whatever means are available.

Recognition Of The Problem Often Comes Too Late:

With today improved technologies, there is no doubt that doctors are able to diagnose and treat heart disease much better than in the past. However, most often women who realize that they have heart disease may already in an advanced stage, and thus little can be done to help them. Often, the matter only comes to light after the woman has been struck down by a stroke or has had a heart attack.

The most likely contributing factors to heart disease in women are cigarette smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, being relatively inactive and suffering from diabetes, or being obese. These are all the major risk factors.

Heart disease in women can also come about due to age, effect of menopause, heredity and other factors. Women need to become more knowledgeable about the risk factors that cause heart diseases, and use this knowledge in fighting and avoiding falling into the habits that promote heart diseases in them.

Using her understanding of the facts that leads to heart disease in women, and also taking preventive measures will greatly reduce the high rate of mortality suffered by women as a consequence of heart diseases, and if she uses the right techniques, such a problem can be greatly reduced in women.

Some preventive measures you can take to prevent heart disease are taking vitamins and certain over-the-counter medications such as Sytrinol, Potassium and M.S.M. A product such as Sytrinol has been found effective in keeping the cholesterol levels at low normal, and this is achieved by reduction in triglycerides as well as low low-density lipoprotein levels.

Using M.S.M., women can develop protein in their bodies and keep the connective tissues strong. For more information regarding heart disease in women and the possible treatment and preventive methods, you should consult your doctor or healthcare professionals that can recommend proper means to reduce the chances of having heart disease.